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Saturday, July 11, 2015

More Ridiculous PC Crap!

Confederate General’s Remains To Be DUG UP After THIS City Says He’s A Racist


Just when it seems like the hysteria in this country has reached its maximum capacity when it comes to what is now considered to be “politically incorrect,” the following story coming out of Memphis, Tennessee has just emerged, sure to take the freaking cake.

It wasn’t enough to ban the confederate flag or demand the removal of historical statues or label peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as “racist.” Now the cry baby twats have taken their history-erasing agenda to staggering new heights, voting to dig up the body of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, along with his wife and other family members, who were laid to rest back in the 1870’s.

Myron Lowery, the Memphic city councilman leading the charge to dig up Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife.

Spearheading the absurdity was butt-hurt Memphis City Council member Myron Lowery, who targeted Forrest and his family, demanding that they be removed from public property.

 “It is no longer politically correct to glorify someone who was a slave trader, someone who was a racist, on public property,” said City Council member Myron Lowery. 

It’s unclear as of now if the statue on top of the grave will be relocated, but not everyone is celebrating the decision to desecrate the grave-site, where final approval will have to go through the Chancery Court.


Lee Millar, Spokesperson for the Sons of the Confederate Veterans

“I think it’s disgusting that people use the shooting in Charleston and use those victims to forward their own agenda and join this anti-Confederate hysteria that’s going on,” Lee Millar, spokesperson for the Sons of the Confederate Veterans said. “To attack something like that now I feel is just really misguided.”

Un-freaking believable! When will the insanity stop? Should we just start digging up graves of people who we think were assholes during their lives here on earth just because we feel offended over the presence of their rotting bones?

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