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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Obama Denies Reality To The End

On Wednesday Obam spoke at the Armed Forces Full Honor Review Farewell Ceremony in McLean, VA where he made the claim that “women are at least as strong as men.”

While an opinion that women are mentally tougher than men is certainly an acceptable and debatable proposition, no reality-based biologist of repute would make the claim that women are, on average, physically stronger than men. Common sense tells us that the exact opposite is true: men are, on average, stronger than women.

Of course, it would be easy to identify specific women who are physically stronger than specific men. Take, for example, a fit young adult woman contrasted with an elderly man who has lost muscle mass. Or an abnormally weak and effeminate man compared to a female body builder.

However, since Obama was not being interviewed on the Oprah Winfrey show yesterday and was actually addressing a group of people whose job is to kill the enemy on the battlefield in mortal combat, we have to take him at his word and conclude that he was referring to physical strength. The essence of political correctness is the denial of reality and an abandonment of common sense. For the last eight years, such common sense has been sorely lacking in the White House.

Fifteen more days, folks. Fifteen more days.

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