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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Trump’s descent

(Scott Johnson)

In my post yesterday on “The Trump factor” I noted that I thought hot air began to leak out of the Trump balloon during the Republican debate event run by FOX News last night. Trump came into the debate with an astonishing lead in the polls, but he did not appear to be a happy warrior. He appeared angry.

His anger did not relent following the debate. He unleashed a series of attacks on FOX News host and debate moderator Megan Kelly. As Byron York puts it (don’t click on the link unless you are prepared to be assaulted): “Trump spent much of Friday bashing Kelly.” Byron has the details.

The attacks culminated in his statement on CNN regarding Kelly: :”She gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.” 

Now that is not only offensive, it is pathetic. As a result of Trump’s waving the bloody whatever, Erick Erickson disinvited Trump from his annual RedState Gathering in Atlanta. Byron’s report includes Ericsson’s statement on Trump’s disinvitation.

I think the Trump balloon has sprung a major leak. He is descending to earth rather rapidly, embarrassing himself and his supporters. He needs an intervention. It’s too soon to say the end is near, but it should be.


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