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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Catcalling Democrats: Hillary, Get Out!

Catcalling Democrats: Hillary, Get Out!

Wednesday - August 26, 2015

RUSH: Polling data shows that Trump is just continuing to skyrocket in most places.  Hillary still beats Trump head-to-head in Wisconsin, I think I saw that. 

But Hillary man, oh, man, oh, man, I'll tell you the catcalls on the Democrat side among Democrats and media are for her to just get out.  Last week it was one supporter writing in the UK Telegraph, I think, that we quoted, who said, "Please, Hillary, I love you, but please get out before you embarrass yourself. Please get out. Please."  Many more people have now joined that refrain.  And now the popular speculation is that Hillary's not gonna be in this race much longer.  Can't stay in it.  No energy.  No support.  None of this.  So that's a real story that people are missing, too, is the disintegration taking place in the Democrat Party. 

Are you seriously telling me that a party that offers up its savior, Joe Biden, is a party of hip and cool and what's happening now and of the future?  Joe Biden, who's already demonstrated he knows how to lose Democrat presidential primaries?  He got kicked out of the first one because it was found he was plagiarizing a British politician by the name of Neil Kinnock. I mean, plagiarizing even this guy's life story, even to the point of saying his dad worked in a coal mine when he didn't.  He should have been shamed out of politics for what he did, but he's now the savior of the Democrat Party in the event Mrs. Clinton can't go or doesn't make it. 

So these are earth-shattering times.  Everything that everybody thought they knew is upside down and inexplicable to the experts.  To show you how the Republican establishment's flailing, there is a story today that two states, Republican state organizations are trying to trip Trump up by establishing a new rule that the Republican primary winner in that state has to pledge not to run third party or he will not be allowed to win the delegates.  It is said that's happening in North Carolina, and I forget the other state. 
The best intelligence I have is that it's totally untrue about the Republican apparatus in North Carolina.  It's not true at all.  But this other state it might be true.  But that's just flailing away, if that's the best they've got. 

They're waiting for donors to peel away from others hoping that they'll re-sign. Speaking of donors and peeling away, Jeb Bush, his whole strategy was to get all the money.  Jeb Bush's entire strategy was to win this by soaking up all the donor money, or the vast majority of it.  Now last week we had the story in, "Donors Not Worried -- Yet." Meaning Bush donors.  Well, then why run the story?  Donors are not panicking yet?  Really?  Okay, so it must be that they are to one degree or another.  

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