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Monday, July 18, 2016

America Divided Between Sitters and Standers

I was never cool enough to sit at the cool kids’ table, never smart enough to sit at the nerds’ table, never bad enough to stand where the bad boys stood, since they never seemed to be sitting anywhere. I was a kid without a table.

And, let me tell you for those of you that don’t know, there is no worse feeling then not having a place to sit. I know now that I wasn’t alone, but of course I didn’t realize it at the time. All I could think about at that time was how can I get a seat at any table, and I, like so many, tried, and did many, many stupid things to find my seat. I had not a clue being seatless would be one of the great gifts I had been given.

All I ever wanted to do was fit in, get the jokes that people were saying, have the same funny stories that people were telling, or as Del Griffith said, “You just go with the flow like a twig on the shoulder of a mighty stream.” It’s safe to say I didn’t trend then, and it’s safe to say I don’t trend now.

There are many days when I wake up, read the news, go on social media, and say to myself God wouldn’t it be easier to just be a modern-day liberal, and just go with the social media flow whichever way the social media platform is trending. It would be so much easier to say Hillary good, Trump bad. So much easier to say cops bad, criminals misunderstood. Everything is free, no work needed or required. Men are predators, especially white men. Sadly my brain isn’t wired like that. It would be so much easier to say making America great again somehow connotes racism, putting out a tweet on six-pointed star is anti-Semitism; my question to that is if Trump put out a five-pointed star, would he have been an anti-Satanist? It wouldn’t, of course, since Satanism probably won’t be trending for a while.

Of course one thing that will be trending is Trump saying that Justice Ginsberg’s mind is shot, which of course will be seen as ageism, because none of us has ever said a person has lost their mind. Gratefully, crooked was already taken, because I’m sure many would’ve called that anti-Semitism. I love how the left loves to tell people what their minds are really thinking, and hearts are feeling. So, to the people on the left who love to follow science and intellect when it fills their needs, as any good psychologist will tell you, what you are doing is called projection. Or as the laymen say, if you spot it you got it. And since the left, like I said, loves to use science, I challenge my “friends” on the left to post for one hour on Facebook that they agree with Trump on any issue, and see how open minded their “friends” truly are.

Of course that won’t happen, because no one that has a seat at a table wants to risk standing. Don’t kid yourselves either, the trending sections were created for these exact reasons. They were created to bully people into likeminded thinking, they were created for conformity. But a funny thing is happening, the cool kids that are sitting down pontificating don’t realize, and how could they, there are just as many, if not more, that are standing. Also, don’t kid yourselves, there are many on the right as well who have many comfy seats that they do not want to lose. Maybe that’s what’s attractive to so many about Donald Trump, that while he can sit any at any table, or could have I should say, he has decided to stand. Or maybe I’m just projecting, since it’s often assumed that being 40, Jewish, and wearing glasses, that I automatically have a seat, but it’s just so much more fun standing now.

Maybe that’s what this election comes down to, those that need a seat at the table, and those of us who are OK with standing. So, to my friends on both the right and left sitting in the trendy seats, stay trendy my friends. And to my fellow standees, we might not be trending but the polls are.

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