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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Why Barack Obama Is Dangerous

Why Barack Obama Is Dangerous

Thursday - November 19, 2015

RUSH: I mentioned yesterday, and Drudge even linked to this.  I'm minding my own business last night at home, bothering nobody, and I got a couple of e-mails: "Hey, you made Drudge tonight."  When this happens I always try to think, okay, what was it, before I go check and find out what it was. I try to remember what it was I said that might possibly have intrigued Drudge or his editors enough over there.  And so I guessed right. 

They linked to the segment yesterday in which I made the point that it's now getting dangerous.  Obama's leadership and his attitude is really getting dangerous now.  And the fact that this man considers a domestic political party, the Republicans, a greater threat to him and to America than he considers terrorism. I don't care if it's Al-Qaeda or ISIS, the man really comes alive.  As I said, he doesn't need a teleprompter; he doesn't need cue cards; he doesn't need to rehearse.  When it comes time to bash Republicans and blame Republicans, it's right there in his heart.  It's at the forefront of his mind. 

But the Republicans aren't doing anything.  The Republicans are not committing acts of terror.  The United States is always a great nation at risk in a dangerous world, but it's a more precarious place we find ourselves now than I can ever recall because of the nature of our leadership, which is simply unwilling to accept reality.  And people are starting to I think put two and two together and get four now. 

I have a story in the Stack here that Obama, when it comes to terrorism -- I think this is Legal Insurrection, which is a great blog, it's a great, credible blog -- Obama doesn't even listen to his national security and foreign policy people when it comes to terrorism.  He doesn't even read the briefs.  He doesn't want to talk to them about it. 

Now, it is speculated because he thinks he already knows.  He doesn't need to be told; he knows what he thinks of terrorism; he knows who the terrorists are.  I would, upon hearing this, I think of it in a totally, totally different way.  I don't look at it that Obama's up to speed and knows who terrorists are and what terrorism is and therefore doesn't need to be briefed.  I don't think he needs to be briefed.  I don't understand -- no, I do.  I do.  I'm saying this for effect. 

It's dangerous, when the president of the United States, in the midst of what Western civilization is facing, wants everybody to think that the biggest enemy around is the Republican Party, a party which caves to practically everything he wants to boot.  But even if it was not caving, even if the party was not caving, the Republican Party isn't anywhere near -- I mean, it's absurd.  It's dangerous.  It's not all there.  We have other items of evidence as the program unfolds. 

Let me just start going through the Stack here, 'cause it's a never-ending Stack on all of this that relates to ISIS and Paris and Syrian refugees.  Politico has a story today that "A majority of Americans oppose President Barack Obama's plan to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States, according to two new polls released Wednesday.  A Bloomberg Politics poll of US adults found that 53 percent of Americans say the president's plan should be halted, while 11 percent would allow Syrian Christians only. Twenty-eight percent say the program should continue without religious screening."

So when you add it up, 64% say we should either ban Syrian refugees or only allow Christians.  I need to remind you of something.  There were two items leading the program yesterday, both historical in nature, both factual, and both true, and I led off with them to counter popular narratives that are out there today.  Number one, "It's not who we are to have religious tests when it comes to refugees.  That's not who we are.  That's not American values."  I have to tell you something, just between us.  Psst.  I mean, don't tell anybody that I said this.  But I cringe when I hear Obama talk about American values, 'cause I don't recognize 'em.  And he's always invoking them.  (imitating Obama) "This is not who we are.  This is not American values." 

When I look at what he thinks American values are, it's getting dangerous out there.  The fact is we do have religion as a factor, major factor in accepting refugees.  Religion is a major factor in vetting them.  It's federal statutory law, folks.  I cited it yesterday.  It has become and has always been a major factor in vetting. There are any number of reasons why we ask the religion.  It's not something that we have never done before.  We do it constantly.  We always have. 

The second item, just to repeat it, was that during 1924 to 1965 there was no immigration, and the reason we shut it down is because in the early 1900s there were acts of domestic terrorism perpetrated largely by groups that were then called anarchists.  They were led by people who had names.  They were imprisoned and they were doing everything they could to undermine the public order, undermine the United States, the United States government.  It's not unprecedented what is happening today.  All of the vetting, I mean, all of the vetting, all of the attempting to find out, "Are we letting terrorists into the country?  Are we letting in anti-American people?"  It's not unprecedented.  We've always done it.  Those were the two items I led with yesterday. 

Obama's out there trying to make people think, "This is new depths. We've gone to new depths, we've never been this low.  We're not being true to our values."  It's a crock.  Just because we happen to be the best place on earth does not mean we have a responsibility to give it away.  We are not obligated to let everybody in.  That's not how we deal with it.  It cannot be the way we deal with it.  Now what's happening is we have so many people laden with so much guilt over the fact that we do it right.  So what's the solution?  The solution is not let every oppressed human being in the world into the United States.  That can't happen.  What we should do is export what makes us great.  

But the left doesn't agree that that's what's made us great.  Freedom? That's an imposition to people.  Clearly there's an unequal distribution of freedom in the world.  There's an unequal distribution of capitalism in the world.  There's an unequal distribution of entrepreneurism. And the reason is, pretty much every place in the world in terms of human history has been governed by tyrants, dictators, thugs, you name it.

That's what's so exceptional about the United States.  But the point is we have certainly protected our borders.  We have certainly had tests over who can become citizens and who can't.  The American people are not extremist.  The American people (as represented in these two polls today) who oppose Obama, they are the sensible ones.  They are the rational ones. It is Obama and supporters of his who just want to turn over every border and orifice and entryway into this country and say:

"Come on in, whoever you are -- particularly if you happen to be ill-educated, if you happen to be any number of negative characteristics. Well, that's who we really want here, because those people are thought to be easy converts to the Democrat Party." But, again, it's not just the Bloomberg poll.  An NBC News survey, along with SurveyMonkey online poll of US adults: "56% of Americans disapprove of an increase in the number of Syrian refugees coming to America; 41% approve."  


RUSH:  Okay, I did this on purpose.  I knew it would work.  I just reminded people (knowing full well people listening today who may not have heard yesterday) that there always has been a religious test in terms of deciding which refugees are admitted, but I didn't explain it.  I just said I talked about it yesterday.  So my e-mail is filled with snarky comments, "You didn't explain why because you're making it up! Everybody knows we've never had a religious test!  You just lied to everybody! Everybody believes you and you just lied to them."

No.  I purposefully did not explain it 'cause I wanted to set all of you snarky malcontents up.  It's very simple.  When you apply for asylum in the United States, there are certain things that you have to be able to prove in order to be granted.  One of those is that you're fleeing a war or you're fleeing poverty.  Another is that you are fleeing religious persecution.  Well, we must ask you about your religion if we are going to document whether or not you are being religiously persecuted. 

Most people cite religious persecution as reasons for fleeing they are homeland.  That and war-torn strife or what have you.  But the vast majority cite religious persecution 'cause they think it's an automatic.  Well, how can we determine whether or not they actually are fleeing such persecution if we don't ask them what their religion is and where they're from?  So I'm just telling you, this whole notion of who and what these Syrian refugees are and what their religious beliefs are and they're being asked, it's not new.  We've always done it. 

But if you listen to Obama and the Democrats and the Drive-Bys, you are to believe we've become these new intolerant religious extremists and all that we want is white Christians.  In fact, you've even got some elected Democrats running around saying it.  Like Baghdad Jim McDermott's out there. "Yeah, the Republicans, they just want white Christians in here! That's all they want," as though there's something wrong with white Christians, by the way. 

And I guess if you're a liberal Democrat, there might be something wrong with white Christians.  I mean, that actually is the group of people you're fighting.  Liberal Democrats' number one enemy is white Christians, and it makes up the majority of the country.  The Republican base is largely that configuration. Not only, but largely.  Anyway, let's grab a call in the first hour.  It's Bob in Grand Rapids, and I'm glad you waited, sir.  Hello.

CALLER:  Deer camp dittos from west Michigan.

RUSH:  Thank you, sir.

CALLER:  My point is, you know, did you ever notice that liberals love to use government for what government cannot do? They want to house people with government. They want to feed people with government. They want government to run the economy. But yet when the one thing that government can do, like the military, they take a pass on it.  It seems that everything that they are focused on is what government's failed at.

RUSH:  Well, you know, not only is that true -- that everything the government botches, they praise, and everything the government does well they criticize, i.e., the military --

CALLER:  Correct, yeah.

RUSH:  -- the military has always got something major wrong with it that the libs have to go in there and fix. But you better not lay a hand on the welfare state. You better not touch one aspect of it.  By the way, I would disagree with you on one thing and one thing only, Bob.  I think that the federal government does a damn good job of feeding people.  We have 50 million people on food stamps and all they have to do is take a little debit card and go down there and buy some... What do you call those? Bugles. Nacho Cheese Bugles and a six-pack and you're set up for the rest of the afternoon. And maybe buy a scratch-off lottery ticket. The federal government's got this down pat, if you ask me.  I mean, 94 million Americans are not working, and they're all eating. 

The federal government sure has found a way to pick your pocket and make all that happen.


RUSH:  Here it is again.  Let me read to you.  Section 1158 of the Title VIII US Code, Burden of Proof.  "In general, the burden of proof is on the applicant to establish that the applicant is a refugee within the meaning," and then it gives the description. "To establish that the applicant is a refugee within the meaning of such section, the applicant must establish that race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion was or will be at least one central reason for persecuting the applicant." We must and do and have asked them about religion.

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