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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Obama National Security Address: Don't Sweat It!

Obama National Security Address: Don't Sweat It!

Wednesday - November 25, 2015

RUSH: Yeah, I know, I know, Obama's out there, you could predict this.  All morning long they have been saying that Obama's gonna address the nation on national security and so forth.  And I said, "I wonder when that's gonna start?"  And, lo and behold, it started at 12:04.  And, no, it's over with, he's finished, and we were never gonna JIP it.  Join in progress, little inside real radio announcer terminology. 

But it's over now, and basically what it was about was Obama telling everybody: Don't sweat it. We got 65 nations. We're going after ISIS. We're kicking ISIS all over the planet. There's no way ISIS could get into the country. We're doing everything we can to stop ISIS attacks. I don't want you to worry about any domestic terror attacks happening here. We're gonna do everything we can to stop them. We're gonna go out there, we're gonna go get ISIS.  He calls 'em ISIL.  But, anyway, don't sweat it because we got it under control here.  Go ahead and have Thanksgiving.  It's incredible.  


RUSH: A couple of sound bites of Obama here at his national security national address, which happened just over a half hour ago from some room in the White House.  Here's the first of two sound bites that we have.

OBAMA:  We know of no specific and credible intelligence indicating a plot on the homeland.  And that is based on the latest information I just received in the Situation Room.  So as Americans travel this weekend to be with their loved ones, I want them to know that our counterterrorism, intelligence, Homeland Security, and law enforcement professionals at every level are working overtime.  They are continually monitoring threats at home and abroad, continually evaluating our security posture.  They're constantly working to protect all of us.  Their work has prevented attacks.

RUSH:  So no imminent and credible threat.  We're doing everything we can.  We've got 60 nations aligned against ISIL.  Don't sweat it.  Everything's cool.  Here's the next sound bite.

OBAMA:  The bottom line is this.  I want the American people to know entering the holidays that the combined resources of our military, our intelligence, and our Homeland Security agencies are on the case.  They're vigilant, relentless, and effective.  In the event of a specific credible threat, the public will be informed.  We do think it's useful for people as they're going about their business to be vigilant.  If you see something suspicious, say something.

RUSH:  Yeah, like a conservative at the Thanksgiving dinner table that says something offensive, make sure you're prepared to tell somebody. Now, why did Obama have to go out and do this today?  Why did somebody in the White House think it necessary to send the president out to try to calm people down, to calm their nerves or what have you, on the day before Thanksgiving?  Well, it's pretty obvious.  The reason somebody decided to send -- I don't think he decided to do this on his own, although he could have, but I think it was probably a command strategic decision in the White House, because it is clear that up until today Obama hasn't said anything or much of anything that's inspired any confidence when national security is concerned. 

Instead, he's been out talking about he doesn't like sloganeering. He doesn't like talking about winning. He doesn't like talking about American leadership, all that, that's beneath him, that's just cheap stuff, and it doesn't mean anything, and it doesn't achieve anything. He has not rallied the American people. He's not spoken up positively about the country.  Instead, whenever he does speak, it's always to regale everybody with the things that he believes are wrong with this country.  So it's clear, I think they've got some internal polling data in the White House that clearly indicates to them that this administration is not inspiring confidence when it comes to the very important subject of national security.  

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