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Monday, June 17, 2013

EDITORIAL: The high price of Obamacare - Washington Times

EDITORIAL: The high price of Obamacare - Washington Times

The “hope and change” of the 2008 presidential campaign is living on borrowed time. President Obama’s greatest legislative accomplishment, Obamacare, is about to become the nation’s nightmare, and for none more so than his most faithful backers. So much for gratitude.
Obamacare was supposed to be good news for the working poor, but as elements of the system come online, reality intrudes, as reality always will. The new law essentially eliminates the relatively inexpensive, stripped-down, high-deductible catastrophic-coverage plan, which makes sense for the young, healthy man who doesn’t need to go to the doctor very often because he isn’t likely to be sick. Under the current system, these young people pay out of pocket for less-expensive routine visits, and use the high-deductible plan to insure against the unlikely, but very expensive, possibility of a major illness or accident. That’s how insurance is supposed to work.
Obamacare destroys the logic and simplicity of this arrangement by mandating coverage of an array of required services, such as abortion funding, which forces up costs for everyone. The new law forbids insurance companies from fully differentiating among buyers based on their health. When one size must fit all, the fit is not likely to be comfortable for anyone. The young and healthy subsidize the older folks, who have greater health risks. The young and healthy may be cheerful about paying more than they should, but this burden will fall heaviest on the poor.

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