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Friday, June 29, 2012

Now it's up to the voters to strike down Obamacare and Biggest Tax Increase in History| The Daily Caller

A very splintered Supreme Court has upheld Obamacare, almost in its entirety. One small provision — which would have allowed the feds to withdraw the funding they give states for their Medicaid programs if they declined to expand them — was rejected.

Other than that, the court effectively gave the green light to the president’s attempt to destroy the country’s healthcare marketplace.
Perhaps the biggest shock was that Chief Justice John Roberts — who was appointed to the high court by Republican President George W. Bush — wrote the majority opinion, siding with the four liberal justices who were expected to support the law.
The ruling is a victory for the Obama administration. But it’s not a complete defeat for those who value limited government. A majority of voters still oppose Obamacare — and have since it became law. Current and would-be lawmakers can capitalize on that disdain by articulating a workable, effective alternative for reforming our healthcare system.
The Obama administration may have gotten the result it wanted — affirmation of the constitutionality of the individual mandate — but not for the reason it hoped. Roberts and company said that the mandate was constitutional under Congress’s power to tax, not its power to regulate interstate commerce.
To paraphrase Vice President Joe Biden, that’s a big, uh, deal. By declining to affirm the mandate under the Commerce Clause, the high court effectively prohibits Congress from forcing Americans to engage in commerce just so lawmakers can regulate it.
Further, by upholding the mandate under Congress’s taxation power, the justices have caused the president to impose the biggest tax increase on the middle class in American history.

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