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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Word on Trump

They found their word; after months of focus group and media testing and polling they found their word. It’s the word that has shifted the election, and no the word is not honesty, nor is it trustworthy, that would be too much to ask. In their defense, and I give them kudos, it’s a great word. It is a word that evokes fear and panic. The word is “temperament.”

I don’t believe most Americans truly know what the word means. I absolutely believe many see it as the word temper. So call me Webster and let me help define temperament for you. Some of the synonyms for it are passion, spirit, humor, and personality. So now imagine if the poll questions were “Who’s got more passion?” or “Who’s got more humor?” or “Who’s got more personality?” How do you think people would respond to that poll? Come on, does Hillary have an ounce of any of these things, folks? I’m not trying to be mean-spirited or even funny. I am just really curious. The only times I have ever seen Hilary get excited is when she champions, outright champions, abortion. This is the same person who has been accused of causing the death of a woman’s son and stone cold lying to the woman’s face; who among us would not respond? Who among us wouldn’t have shown some sort of emotion?

So, yes, I wish someone would steal Donald Trump’s phone; I wish Twitter would suspend his account like they did Milo’s. I wish he wasn’t so damn human. Yeah, he gets caught up in the moment and lacks restraint on Twitter or with his tongue. What good has Hillary’s temperament brought us? Is the world in a better place because of hertemperament? Are we safer because of her temperament? Are the women her husband molested better off because of her temperament? Oh, that’s the other time we’ve seen her passion and true personality come out. Nothing says good character and makeup, other synonyms for temperament, like ruining and destroying the lives of other women. Seriously, what worse foreign policy mistakes could Donald Trump have made, or will he make, and enough with the he will have the nuclear codes. Who has shown us better temperament with classified information, who to this very day is a bigger national security risk?

I get it. This election for many comes down to a renegade and to, at best, the status quo. But are you not tired of getting no quid after the quo? Do you really believe that the person who is responsible for much of the world being on fire will be able to put out the flames? If your idea of no remorse, no emotion, and zero character constitute good temperament then, yes, she’s the candidate for you. If that’s your idea of a steady hand and good demeanor, God help us.

Donald Trump has come out and said that he is not changing his temperament, to the merriment of many of the Democrats and the media, and to the dismay of many Republicans. So let me get this straight; he isn’t changing his disposition or nature, other synonyms, as the wind blows, and this is the person that we can’t trust? Love him or hate him, he won’t change. Democrats and many Republicans call this stubbornness, narcissism, and plain craziness. I call it character.

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