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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Our Principles PAC Takes Trump to Task for Campaign Violence

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump acknowledges photographers after speaking at a campaign rally in Baton Rouge, La., Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

In a powerful new ad titled “Unifier?” the Our Principles PAC takes Donald Trump to task for fostering an environment at his campaign events that encourages violence. The ad uses the increasing violence at Trump rallies and footage of Trump saying things that sow the seedsfor more of this unacceptable and dangerous disruption of our political process and civil discourse.

The ad begins with a narrator’s voice saying, “Donald Trump campaign violence…” with an image of the New York Daily News cover reading “BLOOD ON DON’S HANDS.” Then there are clips of Trump at various rallies, as CBS News put it, “seeming to encourage supporters to treat the protesters that interrupt his speeches with physical aggression.”

You Can Watch the ad below:

Transcript of the ad:

Donald Trump campaign violence.

I’d like to punch em’ in the face.

Knock the crap out of them.

They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.

I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees.

Now Trump’s campaign manager faces criminal charges for allegedly assaulting a female reporter.

Today Michelle Fields a reporter for the conservative website Breitbart said earlier this week Trump’s campaign manager grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down.

Fields showed us the bruise where she says Trump’s campaign manager grabbed her.

They’re not telling the truth. There’s videos, there’s pictures, there’s an eyewitness of a Washington Post reporter.

Another supporter arrested for assault. A Trump supporter is under arrest tonight after punching a protester at a rally

The latest in what some believe growing hostile atmosphere at Trump events.

Next time we see him we might have to kill him.

Donald Trump is too reckless and dangerous to be president.

The “Unifier?” ad is part of an television advertising campaign in Florida and on national cable networks. The PAC has spent $3.5 million alone in Florida in the last two weeks.

Sen. Ted Cruz got it exactly right Friday night when speaking about Trump’s cancellation of a rally at the University of Illinois’ Chicago Pavilion arena:

Protesters who took violence into their own hands were responsible for the episode, but Donald Trump bore responsibility for creating an environment that encourages violence at his events. But in any campaign, responsibility starts at the top. And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discourse.

 Donald Trump, too reckless and dangerous to be president. And the Donald threatening Bernie Sanders with rally retaliation and lying about meeting with police aren’t helping.

The post Our Principles PAC Takes Trump to Task for Campaign Violenceappeared first on RedState.

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