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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Haley: Rubio will ‘bring a conscience’ back to GOP

By Mark Hensch - 02-17-16 18:25 PM EST

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on Wednesday endorsed Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio, saying he will return the GOP to its true values.

“I want a president who understands that we need somebody to go back to Washington and bring a conscience back to our Republicans,” she said during a town hall in Chapin, S.C.

“I want a president who is going to have the backs of our military veterans and those in active duty,” Haley continued.

"I want a president who knows that when we fight wars we win wars. I want a president who understands that we need to stop the federal mandates that are pushed on the states like ObamaCare and the EPA.”

The governor's endorsement is a big boost for Rubio just day's before South Carolina's primary on Saturday. Haley said she did not take her endorsement decision lightly.

“We have good people in this race, we have good people running for president,” she said.

“My job was to find the person I thought who could do it the best,” Haley added. "I wanted somebody with fight. I wanted somebody with passion. I wanted somebody who is humble enough to fight for all the people."

Haley said her pick ended up coming for personal as well as political reasons.

“I’m a military wife of a combat veteran,” she said. "I thought first and foremost as a mom who wants her children to be safe in our country.

“This is serious. This matters. The one thing I know I am always trying to do is protect the state of South Carolina. Ladies and gentlemen, if we elect Marco Rubio president every day will be a great day in America."

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