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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What REALLY Offends Liberals Is Conservatism - Not Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Greed, Big Oil, Etc. | CNS News

What REALLY Offends Liberals Is Conservatism - Not Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Greed, Big Oil, Etc. | CNS News

Think about the list of things liberals say they find "offensive." Racism, sexism, greed, corporate profiteering, gay slurs, intolerance, Big Oil, carbon footprints, being accused of anti-Americanism - and the list goes on. But, the evidence proves liberals are less offended by these things (if they even are offended) than they are by conservatism.

Let's look at the facts.

Al Gore-Zeera is just the latest example of my point.
Mr. Gore selling his Current TV network to Al Jazeera violated just about everything liberalism stands for:
1.      Corporate Profiteering? Gore profited a reported $100 million dollars on this deal.
2.      Greed? Even the left wing New York Times reported Gore did all he could to try and force this deal through before the end of the year so he could avoid paying Obama's new higher capital gains taxes for 2013.
3.      Big Oil? Al Jazeera is based out of, and sponsored by, the government of Qatar, one of the world's largest oil exporters.
4.      Racism/Anti-Semitism? Al Jazeera is known for their sympathetic support for radical Islamic, anti-Semitic hatred of the "Zionists Jews" of Israel.
5.      Homophobia? Al Jazeera is run by Muslims and sponsored by the government of Qatar, a Sharia Law nation that forbids homosexuality. Homosexual behavior in Qatar is a crime punishable (officially) by imprisonment and (unofficially) by death. One wonders what the LGBT supporting liberal left would have to say about Pat Robertson's views on homosexuality had Current TV been sold to the 700 Club.
6.      Sexism? The Islamic Sharia Law of Qatar and the Islamic leadership of Al Jazeera do not grant anywhere close to equal rights to women in the courts or in the culture. Sharia Law also adheres to all of the Qu'ran, including Surah 4:34 which states that a Muslim man may "beat" his wife.

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