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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Civil War's A-Brewin' | CNS News

Civil War's A-Brewin' | CNS News

I love guns. Grew up with 'em. As a former police officer with 12 years in the U.S. military, I know how to use them, too - use them well. I plan to buy more - a bunch more. In fact, who's to say I don't already have a veritable arsenal?
Point is, tain't Big Brother Barack's nor any other candy-keistered-liberal-cream-puff's bloody business whether I do or not.
See, the left's totalitarian brand of "gun control" has nothing to do with controlling guns - or bad guys. Rather, it has everything to do with controlling - disarming - the law-abiding masses. It's not about protecting the innocents. It's about rendering the innocents defenseless.
Clichés become clichés for a reason, and the old cliché, "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns," rings as true today as it did whenever it was that some homespun fellow coined it.
I was disgusted - physically sickened, in fact - when Barack Obama, president of these Divided States of America, shamelessly exploited the Sandy Hook memorial service to lay the groundwork for his unconstitutional gun-confiscation scheme. It was slimy to the extreme.
I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. That's what liberals do. Every time some evil nut-job - pumped full of psychotropic drugs by NEA members who don't want to deal with them - shoots-up the place, the left's collective mouth begins to water.

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