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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Ryan: GOP will hold hearings on Clinton probe

Ryan: GOP will hold hearings on Clinton probe
By Jesse Byrnes - 07-05-16 21:53 PM EDT

Republicans will hold hearings to learn more about the FBI's decision to not recommend criminal charges for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday night.

"People have been convicted for far less," Ryan said during an interview with Megyn Kelly on Fox News's "The Kelly File," saying that he thought FBI Director James Comey "was going to recommend prosecution" based on the FBI director's opening remarks in a press conference Tuesday.

Ryan said the FBI's decision not to recommend charges "underscores the belief that the Clintons live above the law."

Comey said that while there was evidence Clinton and her staff were "extremely careless" with classified information, "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring a case against her in relation to her use of a private email server while secretary of State.

"We're going to have hearings," Ryan said on Fox, mentioning House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah). Chaffetz indicated hours earlier on Fox that he was considering calling Comey to Capitol Hill to testify about the FBI's probe and conclusion not to recommend charges.

Ryan said Clinton "clearly lives above the law" and that Comey has "shredded" Clinton's defense of her email practices while serving as secretary of State. Ryan described Clinton as "grossly negligent."

Ryan said the FBI should release its findings regarding the Clinton email investigation.

He also called for the director of National Intelligence to "block" Clinton from accessing classified information as a presidential candidate, given her handling of government secrets on her private email server.

"I don't think she should get classified information," Ryan said.

Republicans expressed anger and disbelief over the decision not to pursue criminal charges, with GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump blasting a "rigged" system.

Ryan said Chaffetz would be calling up Comey to ask questions.

"He didn't [answer] any questions with the press," Ryan said of Comey's remarks earlier Tuesday in Washington. "There are a lot of unanswered questions here, Megyn, that need to get answers to," Ryan said.

Ryan said the FBI "should give us all of their findings" in the Clinton investigation.

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