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Saturday, July 9, 2016

German Intelligence: Iran Seeking Nukes

(John Hinderaker)

The German domestic intelligence service says that Iran is making extensive and repeated efforts to obtain technology and materials needed for nuclear weapons, contrary to its longstanding assurances that its nuclear program is peaceful:

The German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) said in an annual report it has detected extensive Iranian attempts to acquire illicit materials in Germany, “especially goods that can be used in the field of nuclear technology.”

“Also in international comparison, the level of attempts remains high,” it added, according to i24news.

The German intelligence body in the regional state of North Rhine-Westphalia registered 141 such attempts last year, as opposed to 83 similar tries in 2014. 90 of those attempts were described as illegal activities to procure technology that could be used for the development of nuclear weapons and launchers.

The smuggling of the proliferation-sensitive goods is conducted usually by Iranian strawmen and shell companies through China, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, the report estimated.

The vast majority of these attempts have been thwarted–which makes sense, since these are the ones the authorities know about–but “Iran’s covert and intensive procurement activities on German soil are expected to continue.”

Then there is this:

The findings mark the second time in the last few weeks that evidence has surfaced of Iran’s nuclear work.

Late in June, it was reported that the Obama administration had concluded that uranium particles discovered last year at the secretive Iranian military base in Parchin likely were tied to the country’s past, covert nuclear weapons program.

The findings contradict Tehran’s longstanding denials that it was pursuing a nuclear bomb.


The UN watchdog also released a report around the same time which determined that Iran had violated the terms of its nuclear deal with the West by increasing its stockpile of low-enriched uranium by 460.2 kilograms.

I don’t suppose anyone, not even the perennially clueless Barack Obama, is surprised that Iran is proceeding full speed ahead with its nuclear weapons program. That being the case, why did we give the mullahs the $100 billion? The obvious explanation is that Barack Obama and John Kerry are trying to weaken the United States and strengthen our enemies. That can’t possibly be right, of course. But what, then, is the alternative explanation? I haven’t been able to think of one.



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