The Washington Post pushes the panic button again. So soon after Brexit.
Are we surprised?
At the first 'graph or so, I suspected the writer to be a grievance-monger, obviously preaching from a soapbox based on his/her own bias-tainted history. I was right on, as the unreeling of the article proved.
It is not racist to want one's country to remain one's country, and not abducted by masses of those who dislike, distrust, and dismiss the concerns of the natives.
Racism is too bloody often invoked for normal annoyance at being taken for a fool.
Time to stand up and declare racism a dirty word that causes as much fruitless violence and fear as any of the single-digit words that occasion so many hysterics in the self-appointed guardian Mrs. Grundys of this country and my home country.
The worst evil vocabulary sin in the world is not "racism" or faux "climate change," but the bullying that is apparently acceptable coin for everyone wearing "I'm smarter than you" spectacles slipping down patrician and endlessly Democrat noses.
Don't let the snide words get you down. Welcome the terms as they fly off the tongues of the lazy debaters without portfolio, facts, or reason. What would they call the murder of a member of Parliament by a self-professed Nazi, or the shooting of 49 innocent men and women in a nightclub by a self-professed radical who leaves dozens of messages and videos and homegrown hints that he is a dyed-in-the-wool someone-who-may-not-be-named, but the word starts with mus- and ends with -lim?
Are we all Loretta Lynch, who would have trouble identifying who resides in the sarcophagus called Grant's Tomb?
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