Friday, April 15, 2016

Clinton would sign law creating $15 minimum wage

By Melanie Zanona - 04-14-16 22:03 PM EDT

Hillary Clinton said Thursday she would sign legislation creating a federal $15-an-hour minimum wage, seeming to conflict her stance that she supports a $12-an-hour federal minimum wage.

The comment during the Brooklyn Democratic presidential debate was quickly seized upon by Bernie Sanders, who has introduced legislation to set a $15-an-hour minimum wage.

"I'm sure a lot of people are very surprised" to learn Clinton would support such a measure, he said. "I think the secretary has confused a lot of people," Sanders said.

Clinton said during the debate that "of course I would" sign a bill raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour if Congress sent one to her desk while she was president.

After the candidates began talking over one another in a heated exchange, Clinton clarified that she has advocated for a $12-an-hour federal minimum wage but also supports efforts elsewhere, such as in big cities, in the fight for $15.

The former secretary of State mentoned efforts in Los Angeles and New York specifically, and said that she is taking a cue from Senate Democrats.

"Setting the goal to get to $12 is the way to go, and encouraging others to get to $15," Clinton said.

"To suddenly announce now that you're for $15, I don't think is quite accurate," Sanders shot back.

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