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Thursday, March 10, 2016

American Killed By Palestinian Terrorist Was a West Point Grad, Served in Iraq and Afghanistan

As reported earlier this week, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed to death American Taylor Allen Force while he was on a trip to Israel. Force was a graduate of West Point Academy and served two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was also an Eagle Scout. 

As a Vanderbilt graduate student, Force was in Israel after leaving the Army. Those who knew him, and those who didn't, are devastated he is gone. Palestinians are celebrating his murder in the streets of Gaza and the West Bank and the terrorist who carried out the attack is being celebrated as a martyr by Palestinian political leadership.

David Simpkins, a friend of Force and a fellow West Point graduate, wrote the following The Times of Israel

He laughed and smiled a lot in the classes at West Point. He sat behind me, next to me, or across from me during our first two years at the United States’ premier institution. He was very mild-mannered, sharp, and professional. I couldn’t think of someone who was more of a model of “America’s finest” than him. He was handsome, articulate, brilliant, and just so GOOD. I can’t think of a moment where he wasn’t exuding an aura of pure positive energy. He was as honest and heartfelt as they come, but now he’s dead. 

Taylor Force was murdered in cold blood by a West Bank Palestinian. Hamas announced that they’re celebrating their martyrs last night. As I write this, there are parties from Gaza to Ramallah continuing all day, and probably tonight. It’s not every day they get a former US Army officer who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. For them, this is a great boon. 

Taylor is not dead because of Israel. It’s not Israel’s fault for occupying the land. It’s not Israel’s fault for making the Palestinians do this. There are over 60 territorial disputes worldwide, and most lead to absolutely no bloodshed whatsoever. It’s the Palestinians fault for murdering Taylor. 

Josh Springer, another West Point grad who didn't know force, wrote the following on his Facebook page: 

As many of you probably know, I used to attend the prestigious United States Military Academy at West Point. While there...

Posted by Josh Springeron Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Meanwhile, the State Department issued a statement condemning Force's killing, but has failed to hold Palestinian terrorists directly responsible

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