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Saturday, January 2, 2016

While Americans Were Celebrating New Years, Something Happened To Hillary She WON’T Want You To See

While Americans Were Celebrating New Years, Something Happened To Hillary She WON’T Want You To See

More than 3,000 of Hillary Clinton’s emails were released Thursday under a court order requiring all of the messages from her private server to be released — with redactions — by the end of January.

The emails — buried in the American media under New Year’s Eve festivities — include these tidbits:

“I only know what I hear from NPR,” Clinton wrote at one point about whether to declare a travel advisory to one troubled region.

“You look cute,” Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills told Clinton when a photo of Clinton on her Blackberry went viral in April 2012. Clinton had asked why it was popular.

“Look and sound eager–you’ll be viewed as too crazy for either side to pick…” Clinton told aide Jake Sullivan while he was waiting to be interviewed for jury duty.

The latest batch of 3,105 emails includes 275 documents upgraded to “classified” since Clinton received them, according to Fox News. All told, 1,274 classified documents have been recovered. Fox News reported Thursday that two of those emails were upgraded to “secret.”

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus responded to the release of the emails.

“With more than 1,250 emails containing classified information now uncovered, Hillary Clinton’s decision to put secrecy over national security by exclusively operating off of a secret email server looks even more reckless,” he said in a statement on Thursday.

“When this scandal first broke, Hillary Clinton assured the American people there was no classified material on her unsecure server, a claim which has since been debunked on a monthly basis with each court-ordered release. With an expanded FBI investigation underway and new details emerging about the conflicts of interest her server was designed to conceal, Hillary Clinton has shown she lacks the character and judgment to be president during this critical time for our country

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