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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Watch: Whoopi Sent ‘The View’ Crowd Into A Frenzy. Then Rand Paul Set Her Straight

Watch: Whoopi Sent ‘The View’ Crowd Into A Frenzy. Then Rand Paul Set Her Straight

Whoopi Goldberg was revved up and on a roll as she launched into a gun control speech on The View on Wednesday. There was only one problem. Her facts were completely untrue.

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul appeared on The View as a guest. Goldberg started firing from the hip as she called for a ban on automatic weapons.

“Automatic weapons, they’re not for hunting. They do nothing — they’re only there to kill. And you’ll notice that a lot of things that happened are with automatic weapons,” she claimed to Paul. “When we see that why don’t we say, ‘Who really needs to have one other than people that are at war?'”

Apparently, The View’s studio audience loved Whoopi’s message, cheery loudly.

Then Paul spoke up with the facts.

“Truly automatic weapons we don’t have,” he said. “We banned truly automatic weapons in I think 1934.” Paul was referring to the banning of automatic weapons by the National Firearms Act of 1934, which forces individuals to obtain a special federal license in order to own an automatic weapon.

“But we still got a lot of them Rand. C’mon!” Goldberg said.

“What we have is not automatic weapons,” Paul replied. “It’s semi-automatic. So they fire in a fairly fast sequence, but you can’t pull the trigger and they come like a machine gun. Those are no longer out there.”

Paul told her that in the real world far from the concrete jungle of New York City, “people do hunt and people also do shooting and sports shooting and target shooting” with semi-automatic weapons.

“Come to Kentucky and I’ll introduce you,” he said. “There are a lot of people who like and enjoy this as a sport.”

Paul then pointed to the underlying problem.

“But the other problem is if we take ownership away of specific types of guns, you really have to modify — something that big has to be either legislation or possibly a Constitutional amendment,” he said.

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