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Monday, January 4, 2016

Rubio: Obama has ‘deliberately weakened America’

Rubio: Obama has ‘deliberately weakened America’
By Mark Hensch - 01-04-16 08:32 AM EST

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is accusing President Obama of intentionally weakening America at home and abroad.

“It’s now abundantly clear: Barack Obama has deliberately weakened America,” Rubio said early Monday during a speech on national security at the American Legion in Hooksett, N.H.

“He has made an intentional effort to humble us back to size,” the GOP presidential hopeful said. "As if to say: we no longer need to be so powerful because our power has done more harm than good.

“Happiest of all have been America’s enemies,” he added. "[It is] because when America steps back, it gives darker forces the space they need to rise. And rise they have.”  

He also criticized Obama for ignoring international challenges and eroding safety at home.  

“America is in far greater danger today than it was eight years ago,” Rubio said. "Our president thought he could make America like Luxembourg or Switzerland. But he can’t.  

“We are the United States of America – the highest-profile, most important, most powerful country in the world. And while we may ignore problems that exist far away, those problems do not ignore us.”

Rubio cited China, Iran, Russia, Syria and North Korea as some of the global hotspots that have deteriorated on Obama’s watch.

He also argued that Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton is no better on foreign policy, again calling her a "liar."

“[Clinton is] the very person who stood by while the conflict in Syria became the worst humanitarian crisis in a generation, who pushed the ‘reset’ button with Russia even as [Russian leader Vladimir] Putin assaulted the sovereignty of his neighbors, and who resorted to half-measures in Libya instead of doing what it would take to prevent terrorists from taking hold – terrorists who ultimately took the lives of four Americans in Benghazi,” Rubio said.

“Not only is Hillary Clinton incompetent, she is a liar. If I am the nominee, voters will be reminded of it time and time again."

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