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Sunday, January 3, 2016

GOP candidates hammer Obama's executive action on guns

By Tim Devaney - 01-03-16 10:31 AM EST

GOP presidential candidates are hammering President Obama over his reported executive action on guns.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Sunday he would overturn the gun control measures, if elected president. His comments follow a similar promise made by Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

In an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” Christie called Obama a “petulant child” who goes around Congress “whenever he can’t get what he wants."

“This president wants to act as if he’s a king, as if he’s a dictator,” Christie said.

“The fact is, if he wants to make changes to these laws, go to Congress and convince them that they’re necessary,” he continued. “But this is going to be another illegal executive action, which I’m sure will be rejected by the courts, and when I become president will be stricken from executive action."

Jeb Bush, another Republican presidential candidate, also criticized Obama’s executive order on guns, calling it “completely inappropriate.”

“His first impulse always is to take rights away from law-abiding citizens,” Bush told Fox. “And it’s wrong. And to use executive powers he doesn’t have is a pattern that is quite dangerous.”

President Obama’s executive order would, among other things, expand the number of federally licensed gun dealers who are required to conduct background checks before sales.

Gun control advocates say expanding background checks would help prevent guns from falling into the hands of dangerous people.

But Bush questioned this notion.

"The so-called gun show loophole doesn’t exist,” Bush said. "People who want to occasionally sell guns ought to have the right to do so without being impaired by the federal government."

Read more from The Hill: 

Trump: I will veto Obama action on guns

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