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Friday, January 8, 2016

Clinton Indictment Talk Swirls

Clinton Indictment Talk Swirls

Thursday - January 08, 2015

RUSH: Joe diGenova in the past couple of days has been making media appearances talking about the voluminous evidence that the FBI's collecting on Hillary regarding her e-mail servers and the classified data she was trafficking in.

He said it's so much evidence, it's so overwhelming that she's gonna be indicted in 60 days -- and if she's not, there's gonna be a revolt in the FBI.  If the Regime, if the attorney general, Loretta Lynch and FBI don't bring charges, diGenova says, it's gonna be a revolt.  It's that bad.  Well, Bob Tyrrell on the American Spectator has a piece today on that very subject and that very investigation.  He adds even more via his sources to what diGenova has been saying, and when you read this, you ask, "How can this woman even be a candidate?" 

you should know that Plugs Biden and John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) are both waiting in the wings for whatever if anything might happen to Mrs. Clinton.  Now, the odds are that nothing will.  I mean, the safest place to be if you are a criminal in this country is to be a Democrat ranking member of the administration

And, by the way, you should know that Plugs Biden and John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) are both waiting in the wings for whatever if anything might happen to Mrs. Clinton.  Now, the odds are that nothing will.  I mean, the safest place to be if you are a criminal in this country is to be a Democrat ranking member of the administration.  That's the safest place if you're a criminal.  I mean, it's a tough call. It's a toss-up being in Chicago or Washington. 

But probably if you've engaged in criminal behavior and you are a ranking Democrat, the safest place to be is in Washington right now where the Democrats are running the show because they probably will not do anything about it, and that's a prevailing opinion. Even with diGenova out there saying, "It's gonna be 60 days. They've got no choice; they have to indict because of the evidence. A lot of it." It's not gonna happen.  It's not gonna happen. 

One of the reasons I speculated that it isn't gonna happen, is I talked to a very powerful, influential member of the Republican establishment this morning who is convinced that Obama wants Hillary to succeed him so that his agenda will continue and will be even tacked further to the left.  We were not talking about the investigation.  We were not talking about diGenova or the FBI.  I was just relating it. If the guy I was talking to is right, then there will not be any indictment of Mrs. Clinton.  

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