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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Outraged Father Removes Son From Class That Was Teaching THIS About Islam


by Jason DeWitt | Top Right News

An outraged father in Revere, Massachusetts has pulled his son from class after finding out his son was being taught Islam, which he and many parents have described as “indoctrination” — and they did so without any notification to parents.

Anthony Giannino yanked his son from Revere Public Schools upon learning the course materials were offensive to non-Muslims.

According to 7Today.

“No religion should be taught at school. In their paper it says Allah is the only God. That’s insulting to me as a Christian who believes in just Jesus only,” he said.


And the text does not merely describe Islam and its “prophet” Mohammed, but enthusiastically boosts them.

One Yahoo News columnist described this as “cheerleading”:

Millions of students in public schools don’t understand fractions or pronouns at even a basic level but students in the oceanfront Boston suburb of Revere, Mass. are taking the time to learn all about Islam — in the most embarrassingly shallow and cheerleading way imaginable.

Part of the textbook prints the Muslim Call to Prayer, according to Boston NBC affiliate WHDH.

“I bear witness that there is no God but Allah,” it says.

The textbook portion also reverently celebrates Muhammad’s life.

“Muhammad never expected to change world,” the admiring, rah-rah textbook reads.

“Muhammad later tended sheep on the dry hills like many young Arabians,” the text explains. “Later he became a successful merchant and married a wealthy widow. However, he felt as though something was missing in his life, so he went on a retreat.”

The founder of Islam was “upset about the cruelty of his people,” the text also optimistically explains. They “killed baby girls.” They “treated their slaves unkindly.” And “Muhammad had a strong sense of right and wrong.”

Some parents found that last section hypocritical, given well-known criticism of Islam as severely restrictive of the rights of women, even persecuting them, with women needing 5 male witnesses to prove crimes such as rape, Muslim women being required to wear burkas; and Muhammed himself marrying an 8-year old girl. The text does not include any such balanced presentation of Islam or it’s “prophet”.

Gianinno immediately pulled his son from the classroom, saying that he’s tired of the “pandering” that’s happening in public schools like Revere.

“We don’t believe in Allah. I don’t believe in my son learning about this here,” he said. “If my son was from another country and came here, he would have been catered to. But where he’s not being catered to, they give him an F.

Giannino wasn’t the only outraged parent, and after he started a petition he started has plenty of support from others in the community. Many were angry at the “sneaky” way that Islam was taught to kids without notifying parents at all.

“They should also say to you, ‘in history, your son is going to learn about Islam,’ send out a letter,” Giannino said.

The superintendent of the school has since sent out a letter defending the school’s actions, explaining that the lesson is only a part of their teaching about world religions. However, skeptical parents confirm that no instruction in either Judaism or Christianity has been yet given to the students, nor announced or outlined in any syllabus.

Indoctrination of American students in Islam appears to be spreading.

In Volusia County, Florida, hundreds protested Islamic lessons in their  “World History” text, a Common Core-approved high school history textbook:

With an entire chapter dedicated to the virtues of Islam, and not a single chapter for Christianity, the textbook has Floridians in a frenzy. And who is the biggest pusher of Common Cores besides leftist progressives? The Islamic Society of North America, another Muslim Brotherhood front group, along with Hamas-CAIR; and in Florida, Hamas-CAIR is on the offensive.

And Top Right News reported on a Michigan school that required students to create Muslim propaganda, as part of there “Islamic Studies” curriculum.

How you would react if this was taught in your children’s school?

Video coverage from 7News Boston below:

Revere religion
7News Boston WHDH-TV 

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