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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mark Levin: Why Aren't Other Republicans Fighting Amnesty like Jeff Sessions?

Mark Levin: Why Aren't Other Republicans Fighting Amnesty like Jeff Sessions?

on Sat, 17 May 2014

On Friday, conservative talk radio host Mark Levin wondered why nobody other than Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is speaking up about amnesty and the Obama administration's lawlessness on immigration.

Levin, on his radio show, said that as the Obama administration keeps "pressing ahead" with their amnesty agenda, "the only people making noise in this country are the people who don't belong in this country."

"Why is it that the American people, the citizens, don't speak up?" Levin wondered.

He said this was the case because Americans are "hammered every single damn day by the media, both political parties, on and on and on, about how this helps the economy, about how this is justice, about how this is how America started. It's unbelievable to me."

"Why can't the Republicans talk about this? I don't mean the bought-and-paid-for ones bought by the U.S. Chamber of Crony Capitalism," he said. "I mean the other ones. What are they waiting for? Where are they? I hear Jeff Sessions. I don't hear many others. It's unbelievable to me."

Levin was livid about a Center for Immigration Studies report, which Breitbart News obtained, that found that last year, the Obama administration released "36,007 immigrants convicted of a nearly 88,000 crimes, including homicide and sexual assault," into the general population.

Levin said that "there is no price to pay" for the lawlessness, and there has been "no responsibility or accountability" by Obama administration officials or his Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, who on Thursday indicated that the administration may be ready to ease even more deportations with executive actions.

Sessions has relentlessly stood up for the American worker in opposing amnesty and has repeatedly emphasized that the House is the last line of defense on amnesty legislation, which the Congressional Budget Office determined would lower the wages of American workers.

Sessions sent out a "Critical Alert" report that destroyed the myth that Obama was the so-called "deporter in chief." Mainstream media outlets like The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, in addition to Obama's former Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, followed Sessions in debunking that myth. He also armed House Republicans earlier this year with information to counter the misleading spin about the House GOP's "immigration principles," which he and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) called out as nothing more than amnesty. That effectively halted whatever momentum there was for amnesty at that time. 

This week, Obama said that there were "two to three months" left to pass amnesty legislation this year, and top business executives said that the fallback plan was for Congress to pass amnesty as the "final act" of this Congress in the lame-duck session. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and other Republican leaders even said that the Senate would again take up amnesty if Republicans gain control of the Senate and amnesty legislation had not passed.

In response, Sessions continued to sound the alarm, telling The Hill that “Washington can’t rewrite the law of supply and demand: we can’t rebuild our middle class if we continue to bring in record numbers of new workers for companies to hire at the lowest available wage."

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